Me: Awk, sejak kebelakangan ni saya asyik rasa letih lah wak :(
Alif: Knp? Awk tak tak cukup rehat tu :)
Me: Entahlah wak, saya tadi ada baca tanda2 HIV wak
Alif: Knp tiba2 nak baca benda macam tu?
Me: Xderlah wak, entah saya tiba2 terbaca hehe
Alif: So, apa yang dier tulis dalam tu?
Me: Dier tulis kalau ada HIV akan rasa letih, berat badan akan menurun, sering sakit kepala,
xder selere nak makan tapi saya ok jew nak waktu makan heheheh
Alif: Awk, Awk rasa letih sebab awk tak cukup rehat, berat badan awk xpernah turun lah wak asyik 50kg jew dari dulu sampai skrg hehehe awk sakit kepala sebab awk ada migrain. Pasal makan tu awk ada jew kot selere nak makan hahahaha
Me: Awk jahat heheheh awk, saya skrg ke klinik ambik ubat demam. Leh tak kalau nak buat HIV test sekali just untuk precaution wak..
Alif: Hmmm buat jewlah, alang2 dah pergi tu
Me: Baik tuan!
Yes, I'd the HIV test. It was so damn scary waiting for the result to come out. I did the test on monday and the result expected to come on friday!
Me: Awk, saya dah buat test. Result akan kuar jumaat nanti. Habis darah saya wak :(
Alif: Hmmm ok lah tu. Knp plak darah habis?
Me: Yerlah wak, dahlah sikit jew darah itupun doktor dah curi hehehe
Alif: Awk ni hahahaha
Me: Wak, saya takutlah wak..takut result tu nanti :(
Alif: Eh awk ni...xder apa lah. Kita fikir positive k :)
Me: Ok wak thanks :)
Day by day, on wednesday evening at about 6pm doctor text me regarding the result.
Doc: Pat, your result is out.
Me: Hmmm let's hear it!
Doc: Hahaha good news, you free from HIV test hahahaa
Me: Hahahah OMG! Thank you so much doctor hehe will visit you tomorrow
Doc: Sure, will looking forward to meet you as well :)
Me: Awk...result dah kuar...yeayyyyyy saya free dari HIV hahaha
Alif: Syukur allahmdullilah (sorry if the spelling is wrong)
Me: hahahah wak...I miss you hehe
Alif: Miss u 2
Yes guys, I'd HIV test which is good to know my own health condition. Alif also want to do the test as well. Is not about you had sex with who but it about your health to know the status.
I did mine and when is your turn?
Alif: Knp? Awk tak tak cukup rehat tu :)
Me: Entahlah wak, saya tadi ada baca tanda2 HIV wak
Alif: Knp tiba2 nak baca benda macam tu?
Me: Xderlah wak, entah saya tiba2 terbaca hehe
Alif: So, apa yang dier tulis dalam tu?
Me: Dier tulis kalau ada HIV akan rasa letih, berat badan akan menurun, sering sakit kepala,
xder selere nak makan tapi saya ok jew nak waktu makan heheheh
Alif: Awk, Awk rasa letih sebab awk tak cukup rehat, berat badan awk xpernah turun lah wak asyik 50kg jew dari dulu sampai skrg hehehe awk sakit kepala sebab awk ada migrain. Pasal makan tu awk ada jew kot selere nak makan hahahaha
Me: Awk jahat heheheh awk, saya skrg ke klinik ambik ubat demam. Leh tak kalau nak buat HIV test sekali just untuk precaution wak..
Alif: Hmmm buat jewlah, alang2 dah pergi tu
Me: Baik tuan!
Yes, I'd the HIV test. It was so damn scary waiting for the result to come out. I did the test on monday and the result expected to come on friday!
Me: Awk, saya dah buat test. Result akan kuar jumaat nanti. Habis darah saya wak :(
Alif: Hmmm ok lah tu. Knp plak darah habis?
Me: Yerlah wak, dahlah sikit jew darah itupun doktor dah curi hehehe
Alif: Awk ni hahahaha
Me: Wak, saya takutlah wak..takut result tu nanti :(
Alif: Eh awk ni...xder apa lah. Kita fikir positive k :)
Me: Ok wak thanks :)
Day by day, on wednesday evening at about 6pm doctor text me regarding the result.
Doc: Pat, your result is out.
Me: Hmmm let's hear it!
Doc: Hahaha good news, you free from HIV test hahahaa
Me: Hahahah OMG! Thank you so much doctor hehe will visit you tomorrow
Doc: Sure, will looking forward to meet you as well :)
Me: Awk...result dah kuar...yeayyyyyy saya free dari HIV hahaha
Alif: Syukur allahmdullilah (sorry if the spelling is wrong)
Me: hahahah wak...I miss you hehe
Alif: Miss u 2
Yes guys, I'd HIV test which is good to know my own health condition. Alif also want to do the test as well. Is not about you had sex with who but it about your health to know the status.
I did mine and when is your turn?