
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Commitement in LOVE ^_^

Commitment in LOVE!

Life is so wonderful after dinner baham ice cream sambil-sambil tu layan Oggy & Cockroaches! Best der, cer korang try! Kalau tak rasa apa2 confirm your time is coming to an end lah haha.

Who know what’s the meaning of commitment? Kalau ada yang tau aku kiss korang dalam dlm macam ada sorang hari tu kene kiss dalam lift! (Cita aku dan antara abang dam dam  jew yang tau!!!) Korang rase aper commitment korang dalam hidup masing-masing? Well mesti ada kan macam kene bayar loan umah tangga yang tak berapa nak ada tangga tu, what else? Korang pikir2 lah sendiri yer xder mase aku nak cite semua kat sini haha.

Well, what about your commitment when it comes to love? Have you ever think about it? For those who know their commitment I solute then but what about those only who know how to say “I Love you”? Guys, remember your commitment over you lover no matter he or she but some of you think your commitment is just say that you love a person and it’s stops there.

Wake up dudes! Kalau korang rase sampai situlah commitment korang then you’re so wrong babeh. When you say I love you, it means that you accept all that person weakness and make to perfect for both of your life. Macam aku pernah cakap sebelum ni, love must happen when two heart connect bukan pada paras rupa. Mase mula-mula nampak terus crush lepas tu kejar sampai nak mampos tapi lepas tu haprak pon takder. Bila tanyer kenapa break up, owh he/she is not good enough for me! The why the hell at the first place you fall in love? Ada yang cakap just untuk time past, kalau untuk time past baik cari pelacur daripada sakitkan hati orang kan!

Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen (dah cukup 6 listen lom)! Remember guys, mungkin untuk korang yang rase cinta adalah untuk time but untuk the person who love you truly you’re the world for them. Well, banyak jugak sekarang love is just for sex! That is for you idiot tapi pernah korang fikir perasaan orang lain? Please don’t, it’s really hurt them (not me sbb aku single!Nampak tak permainan kat sini?) Sebab aku cakap bende, I been there, felt that before, bukan aku nak mintak korang kesian kat aku and tak perlu korang nak kesian kat aku pon but to your love one.

Try to accept kelemahan kekasih korang dan make it as a pillar for your relationship. Use that weakness to make it perfect for each other, jangan guna perkara kecik2 untuk cari gaduh, I mean gaduh2 manja should be no problem but not for break up. And satu lagi, trend aper sekarang ni sikit2 minta break up? Kalau nak break up sangat baik xyah nak couple terus, lagi bagus. Ni tak, sikit2 nak break up lepas dok meroyan the whole month, or the whole life! Bodoh tak? So ce korang fikir, kalau korang dah suka kat someone and terima orang tu dalam hidup korang, mesti korang boleh terima kelamahan masing2 dan hidup happy.

Kalau nak break up pon, jangan asyik dok menyalahkan kekasih korang sedangkan korang sendiri pon tak tentu betul lagi. Kalau dah tak suka cakap dengan elok2 dan bagi reason yang kukuh knp korang nak break up, at least kekasih korang leh lepaskan korang tanpa sumpah seranah. Tapi kalau boleh, jangan lah break up or cari alas an untuk break up. Mungkin untuk korang dah takder perasaan sayang tu tapi bagi kekasih korang lain plak cite nyer. Kalau ada masalah, sit down and talk, make things better. Kalau perlukan advise, just refer kat best friend yang paham perasaan korang. Jangan plak tanyer advise kat parents korang, nanti tak pasal2 dier orang kene strock, how? Haha. Banyak lagi kalau aku nak cite pasal commitment ni tapi buat mase ni cukup lah sampai sini sbb aku mintak sedekah line internet kat U ni…haha len kali kalau ada part 2 aku cite lebih sikit yaw!

Anyway, if you even need help or advise or pandangan, I’m always here. Just drop an email and I’ll try to guide as much as I can. Or kalau korang nak lepaskan feeling korang kat aku, no problem always available for my friends because I’m good! Haha.

Ps: I love my friends ^_^

Until then,
So & So

The Legend Prince