
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Chinese Horseperous Year ^_^

Happy Chinese Horseperous Year  ^_^

Halo peeps, sorry been away for sometimes but it’s never too later to wish all my chinese follower Happy Chinese Horseperous Year! Have a blast with your family and friends. May the year of horse bring you more joy, wealth and be healthy always with your family.

For this year, nothing much to describe compared to last year, all are almost the same except for the fire crackers. We bought for almost RM 800 last year but this year we only bought for RM 400++ yet if was fun to chill around the family, what could be more better than that in my life.

Open house at my house not so meriah this year, didn’t invite much friends to drop by but only for few close friends and relative, small BBQ session with some Ikan Bako hahaha.

We made this year a bit special with Sky Lantern! I bought 8 pieces of them, each for 1 family divided equally and 1 for my foster sister. Wrote our best wishes for the year and hope it’ll come true in its best way, let it fly high and reach the sky!

I arranged another open house coming this Saturday at my house at KL, for those who wish to join, drop me an email for date, timing and location. All are welcome haha, but if there’s no food don’t blame me :D

Ps: Happy Chinese Horseperous Year Peeps ^_^

Until then,
So & So

The Legend Prince

How it’s all started? ^_^

How it’s all started? ^_^

Do anyone of you still remember how it’s all started to know everyone in your life? Korang paham tak? Kan dah marah! Haha….aku tanyer ko ingat lagi tak macam maner korang kenal manusia2 dalam hidup korang expecially yang strangers. INGAT LAGI TAK NI …..erghhhh!

Cuba korang imbas balik, macam maner korang kenal kawan-kawan korang, kekasih korang or strangers kat tepi jalan. For me, I’ll always start with a “Hi, my name is so and so. You?” Or, the strangers will identified themselves to me and that is how I make friends. After few years down the road bila jumpe like kawan kita tu lepas tu dok piker macam maner erk ko ngan aku leh kawan? Hahaha mulalah dok merapu jumpe kat sini jumpe kat sane haha. It’s kinda fun right bila fikir balik macan kita kenal ngan someone yang kita tak pernah jumpe dalam hidup kita sebelom ni tapi tup2 jadi kawan, best friend or couple.

Ok, ada few readers and kawan aku tanyer macam maner aku leh friendly ngan semua orang. Not only with orang sekeliling aku tapi makcik jual nasi lemak, pakcik yang jual sayur, budak2 kecik semua aku friendly. Haha well, bukan nak bangga but mungkin sifat tu born with me. Aku pon susah nak sexplain minatang ni yang macam maner aku leh friendly ngan semua tak kira usia dan bangsa. Aku akan senyum kat semua orang even though tak kenal saper tu, maybe bende ni bukan bende yang baru kot untuk korang sbb mesti korang pon akan senyum jugak tapi untuk orang yang tanyer aku mungkin tak pernah.

Here are some tips, if you like a person, just go and say “Hi, my name is so and so. You?”. You see, no harm right. Tak kira lah korang crush ngan that person ker or just want to know as a friend and take a further level, I leave that to you people to decide macam maner korang nak define it k. Jangan takut dan jangan panic bila korang nak kenal someone, tak kenal make tak cinta, ni statement yang normal but I rephrase it, tak kenal make tak berkawan! A simple hi dah cukup untuk kenal someone, xyah nak bagi bunga or ajak gi dinner or movie.

Tapi macam maner lak bila orang yang datang say hi kat korang? Haaa ambik lah peluang ni untuk kenal dengan orang and become friends. Korang xyah nak feeling2 hot sangat mase tu dan borak macam nak xnak jew. Bila orang nak kenal xnak, jual mahal tapi bila xder mula lah dok meroyan macam Pontianak! Aku simple jew, drink drunk drama hahah kalau ada orang nak kenal ok jew…kalau takder pon ok jew kan oppa adam haha!

So be more friendly and make more friends, no harms tapi jangan banyak enemy sudah. Lend your hands when your friends need help and be there always for them. Tolong tu bukan dari jenis financial but ada jugak care lain untuk tolong kawan2 kita. Lama2 jumpe sekali kawan tu, just hug them with a big smile, jangan nak rabe lak! Korang ni bukannyer leh caye sangat, especially Haidar tu hahaha, asyik dok rabe jew keje dia hahaha. Oppa adam lak, dok menggoda orang ngan mon mon dia hahaha.

Lepas ni jangan nak jadi Mr or Ms Arrogant sangat, we all born to know each other so why wait, go around and be more friendly ok, bukan become more bitch and slut hahaha…just joking!
Ps: Kalau Prince cakap Hi jangan nak jual mahal tau ^_^

Until then,
So & So

The Legend Prince