
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Creating My Own Foot Step!

Good morning everyone, apa khabaq? Ada baik kar? Sorry lak horang, aku sibuk sangat ngan kerja dan hidup saya yang mewah ini hahahahah. Selalu jew orang ngorat aku masa jogging, kat tempat kerja dan mana2 sajew saya pergi...stress tau hahahahah lagi pun Nu'man marah saya suruh update blog sebab itulah walaupun busy gigih nak update blog hahaha Ok lah back to the entry today, after so much of things that was happened in my life especially my love and friendship life with few people which make me feel I'm stupid! After all I felt that why I must be sad for those people that don't want to be friend with me, they should be sad instead. I know I'm not perfect but that reason is not good enough to end a relationship in a flip!

I don't know how good I am but at least I know I'm trying my level best to be best one. Thanks for those who'd supported me especially bang Zack, bang Adam, bang John, Nu'man and ect. After so much things happens in my life and I decided to create my own foot step in my life where I can be proud of myself in future. Sometime I felt proud of myself with my achievement, I'm just 21 and in a higher position where my boss believed and trusted in myself that I can do better than others, perhaps! In this young age, I'd faced a lot in my life and all those things taught me how to be more matured in my life. I always keep myself motivated and yes I admit that sometime I felt so down with no mood with myself but yet I'll motivate myself and torture myself to forget those past things. I mean what's the point keep thinking about that while it left a scar in my heart right, is better for me to move with my life.

I wouldn't say that my love life had ended but it had grown more matured indeed. I'd told you guys that a guy name Safar is trying to tackling me right! Guess what, at last he win my heart with bravery. One thing about him, he is really understanding and lovely guy ever I met in my life before. Is almost a month I know him, he never intended to hurt my feeling but rather make me feel happy and laugh all the time instead. He's not that handsome as other but I love his heart, childish heart which make me feel so comfortable with him and love him without fear. He always talk about both of us and he'd told me that I'm his first love in his life and so nerves thinking about our future. I told him to hold on and not go to too far for this time being but is good to have those planning in hand. He'll always massage and told me everything that he's doing all the day and guess what he's an korean drama addict like me as well. The most funniest part was that he told his family that he already had someone on his life hahahaha which make me laugh like hell. But anyway, I'm happy with him. As I said before, love's happen when you stop judging people and accept who they are, now I accept him with who he is now and I know he is right choice for me.

Back to my work life, hmmm not much though but at least I'm dealing with my own self without care about the others especially my foster sister who treating my like a shit. I started to hate her for hating and avoiding without letting me know the reason why she have to do so which make me feel so irritated. As you all know, the moment I started to hate someone I'll never look back at them but I came to know that why should I waste my time by hating other and why not use the time for some other things that make me happy right. Now I just being invisible with everyone, if they smile I'll return the smile, if they talk I'll reply the talk that all. No more than that and why should I? No reason and I think it's the right way!

Now is time for me to do the best for myself and let other proud of me. There's much more thing that I need to learn and experience it, I think is not too late for to do that. I love myself, just simply love myself and I know what am I doing. I can live my life without others but sometime I still need someone to hold my hand and that will be Safar, I hope he'll. No matter how many times I fall, I'll rise again with myself. Yes it hard to everything by my own but yet it taught me to be matured and how to handle it in future.

Ok, is time for see Safar picture hehehe enjoy :

ps: sorry guys, I felt like doing this entry in english all of sudden. Hope you guys enjoy ok.....
pss: Nu'man , nak I dah update entry baru hehehe.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pat

1. Ko jogging sambil bogel ker ? ramai nya org nak ngorat ... aku yang hensem muka mix nie pon xder owang nak tegur masa jog ..(motif aku jeles)

2. U're too much of my expectation ..21 with good career n im proud of U ..aku masa umur ko tgh bersuka ria bersama kawan2 lagi + sengkek

3. Ajar aku nak wat encrypted text tue camner ? dan jgn lupa send p/w dekat email aku ... (teringin bebenor nak tgh Safar itu)

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Hi Nu'man

1. Hahahah sebab ko tak laris...aku tak perlu pun lari bogel..jalan kaki pun orang nak ngorat aku tau...malu cheq...muka ko mix ker atau macam salman khan ker takder pun orang nak kat hang hahahah cian budak ni takde market :D

2. Everyone said the same tho! Semua kawan sebaya saya tengah enjoy hidup dier orang tapi saya jew macam ni dah berdikari. Thanks for proud of me Nu'man but I still have my weakness which I'm trying to find a solution.

3. Bleh jew Nu'man. Nanti aku hantar email tutorial tu kat hang.Ko nak password jugak ker? Hmmm abang zack kena bagi kebenaran dulu hahah eh apa kena mengena ngan abang zack plak kan...ok2 nanti aku hantar k....

adamiedamuss said...

yeah..make a step today for a better day tomorrow..

ps: avoct gold tu kilang emas eh pat??? lalalala...
pss: hohoho...dah pandai...nak pswrd...kikikiki

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Adam: Don't aspect too much for tomorrow, better leave for today :)

ps: Yup M'sia largest gold mine
pss: hehehe...memanglah pandai...bagi email bang adam...

Anonymous said...

patut la makin berseri2 Pat skrg ni.. huhu

Daus Naga said...

wow...nice entry...full of confidence! That what makes ppl adore you (ye kot :P )

Betul kata Nu'man tuh...daus umo 21, bru abes blaja...ngah nanam anggur...hekhek...u shud be thankful and grateful of what you have now...percaya diri itu bagus tp jangan sampai riak mcm John :P (mahap yer enchek John - semuga demam kamoo cepat sembuh...mencik nengok asek berkepit ngan Dr N)

Last but not least, ape kaitan Ovoct Gold tuh lam semua nih (referring to Adam's comment) :P

Sekian (nak paswed jugek yerrrrrrrrrr)

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Zack: Bang zack, I'm happy not entirely because Safar but sometime I realize who I am and that's what make me feel happy with what I am now :)

Daus: Thanks Daus, I'm doing my best not for people adore me and it is entirely up to them want to adore or not but I'm doing everything for me and my future.

Itulah masalahnya apa kaita ngan Avoct Gold? Aku pun tak paham...buat orang pening jew bang Adam ni...lagi pun maner dier dapat tau yang Avoct Gold? Hmmmm (thinking)

Hahahah password will right away dude :)

Daus Naga said...

now i know wer he got the Avoct Gold thingy...sebab dia tgk Pat nyer FB profile lewww...siap kasiik banner, usha tros :P (i also looked at ur profile) hekhek

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Daus: Dah agak tadi....harus femes gutew kan hahahah yeah I know you added me right hahahahah

Daus Naga said...

ye kew? (tmi) (larikkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssss)

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Yerlah...aduh budak kecik ni kan hahaha

itamrazali said... love katanya...Im happy for you...*hugs*

adamiedamuss said...

pat: eh u got fb too?? xtau pon..

ps: i got from ur previous entry la..
kan my eyes like CSI {merujuk kata dekmal kecik yg xbrp kecik)
pss: segan nak letak email kat sini...nnt ramai peminat email kat ai....(perasan) hak hak hak...
psss: add me at fb...nnt tny dady john which one my accnt k..?

Daus Naga said...

hamboi2 pacik adam....discreet ler plop

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

Itam: Thanks Itam yang putih ....*hugs*

Adam: Kata mata macam CSI tapi banner fb kat sebelh tu pun tak nampak...mata csi lah sangat hahahahah add jew saya....tekan jew dekat banner fb tu jew kot hahaha buat susah daddy John yang duda tu hhahahah

Daus: baru nak naik katakan hahahaha

JoHn said...

Daus: Andaikata anda merasakan aku teriak aku memohon ampun dan Maaf...

ps: sorry kepada sesiapa yg merasakan aku bangga diri... kengkadang im just try to make a joking, tapik tak tau plak sampai menteriakkan diri
pss: Hati org tak sihat nie sensetip...hak hak hak

patrick: Nice entry *Hugs*<---tiru cara biduanita tersohor itam razali

Wo Jiao Patrick said...

John: Bang John, there is no harm feel proud about yourself! Don't care about others what talk or feel about you, this is your life and you live for yourself. Better be proud of you.

Thanks bang John...