
Monday, October 31, 2011

A card with thousands of love...

Hey gays opps guys hahax, Alif gave me a birthday card at the same day when he gave me big boy. A card indeed full of meaning, even there's don't have a single words of love but I can feel it in my heart that he already started to love because I feel it from the way he talk and from the way he look at me.

Anyway, since the I was put everything on the previous blog about events so nothing much to talk now but he'd warned me to only open after I reach Pahang. Well, you know me right so I was trying to open the cover under the table while eating pizza and he can spot all of my movement, damn! Where did he learn that from...? At last, Ionly managed to open and read it in the bas when I back to Pahang and I was smiling all the way back from KL hahax, it was so lovely.

Let's have a look at it....!

ps: Kindly email me at to get the password after click the adds yeah. Korang leh tak jangan kedekut clicking the adds kan...harta korang takkan hilang tau hahaha....

Happiest day ever in my life

Hey everyone, I don't know how to describe my feelings right now since yesterday but what I can tell now is I'm extremely happy. Yes, I'm extremely happy! Want to know why? After so long, almost 1 years waiting for Alif is really worth at the end, worth to wait for such a long period :)

Yesterday, as we'd planned earlier to watch Johny English Reborn even it's a bit old movie but worth to watch to release tension. Even thought the movie is at 4pm but I already at KLCC since I wanted to print some of the picture of me and Alif for frame it, once done when to Kinokuniya to get some book. Yes of course I bought some book for RM120++ and reading "The Innocent Man" by John Grisham while waiting for Alif, finally I finish reading the book.

Once Alif reached we straight went to bought some drinks and popcorn, by that time I saw him carrying something inside and I started to ask him:

Me: Wak, aper tu wak?

Alif: Barang saya...

Me: Barang awk? Aper tu wak?

Alif: Dah orang kata barang saya....!

I stop asking since after he said such and not to ask more. It's time to watch movie but I felt like wanted to pee, what else other than go to toilet right. Once after I came back and sat down, all of sudden Alif handed over something to me and I was so shock...! Guess what? It's a teddy bear for my late birthday gift, OMG!!! Everyone is the theatre watching me with the teddy bear hahax, I just didn't aspect it from him at all. I was like flying on the sky, just imagine you get something from someone you love the most hahahaha I felt like I'm going crazy. I was hugged the bear from the start of the movie till the end, to be honest I didn't watch the movie at all but looking at the bear and Alif hahaha.

Right after the movie we went to Pizza, oh my guchie! I was carrying the bear all along from KLCC to my room Alif but KL people are really WTF man like they never saw a man walking with teddy bear hahax even I was a bit shy hehe. Nevermind, who care right!

After we reach home, we took shower, talk to abang Fakhrul and went to sleep. Believe me or not, that was the night which make me feel like I'm the happiest person in the world man. That was the night he make so much of joke with big boy and me. Oh yeah, the bear was given a name by me "Big Boy" hahax, lovely right! All of sudden I was get stunned, totally stunned!

Alif: Ini anak kita lepas kita kahwin satu tahun..

Me: totally blurr...! But I was feel like jumping down from 14th floor of my apartment, that much of happy

Hahaha I've no words to describe and talk that time but yet enjoying his joke the whole night by holding his hand and sleeping on his chest. A lovely day and the happiest day ever in my life which I'll never ever will delete from my memory...

Now, let's have a look on some of the picture with Big boy together with his Papa and Mama hahax...

ps: Kindly email me at to get the password after click the adds yeah. Korang leh tak jangan kedekut clicking the adds kan...harta korang takkan hilang tau hahaha....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bulan special untuk kena marah....! Part 2

Haaa korang hambek part 2 ni...yang ni plak berlaku baru khamis lepas. Kan baru lepas deepali so aku makanlah maruku yang mama buat, lepas makan ya tuhanku muka aku dah start ada jerawat dan gatal (resdung) sebab dah lama tak buat rewatan resdung. Lagi pun resdung aku xlah teruk sangat so aku call lah Alif petang tu (aku mesti kena bagitau apa sajew xkira lah baik atau buruk mesti dier orang yang pertama yang aku gitau):

Saya: Awk, muka saya dah rasa gatal dan ada jerawat lik....

Alif: Eh kenapa leh jadi macam tu?

Saya: Entahlah wak, mungkin sebab saya makan maruku kot

Alif: Awk dah buat rawatan resdung?

Saya: Lum lagi wak...xder masa nak buat busy sangat ngan kerja

Alif: Lah kenapa? Awk ada jew masa bawak kakak Elvina gi buat kenapa awk tak buat?

Saya: Hehehe nanti lah saya buat kat KL erk

Alif: Kenapa nak buat kat KL? Awk dah beli tiket bas? Buat jew kat Lipis, KL mahal

Saya: A'ah wak dah beli bas kul 8am

Alif: Bila awk beli?

Saya: Hari tu masa hari deepavali hehe

Alif: Gatal...!

Saya: Awk, sampai hati awk cakap saya gatal...

Alif: Yalah, kenapa awk nak datang KL awal sangat? Tiket tu xleh tukar? Buat kat lipis jew rawatan resdung tu...

Saya: Baik tuan, saya buat kat Lipis erk

Alif: Hmm ok. Awk ni malas, dah baik sikit terus stop makan ubat dan cuci muka ikut time. Saya kenal sangat awk ni...pantang muka tu licin sikit terus stop semua....

Saya; Bwekkkkk :p

Hahaha macam ni lah kekdahnya, cedih aku asyik kena tegur kat alif bulan ni hahah tapi saya suka at least entah saya macam happy hehe. Sejak kebelakangan ini Alif dah start banyak tanya soalan macam

1. Pergi dengan sapa?

2. Pergi dengan apa?

3. Nak balik kul berapa?

4. Kenapa nak pergi waktu ni (kalau malam)

5. Nak buat apa pergi sana?

Banyak lagi lah, malas aku nak cite semua sebab ada certain tu aku nak simpan sebagai kenangan dalam hati saya hehehe. Hati saya 63GB macam Ipad tau hehe. I feel like he started to give somekind of hint to me and I know deep inside his heart he like me but he just don't want to show it. Hahax......

Bulan special untuk kena marah....! Part 1

Hye gays, aper khabar semua? Eh kenapa tiba2 entri ni dalam BM? Xder aper sajew hehe. Ok aku nak tanya ni, kat sini berapa orang yang selalu kena marah kat korang punyer suami or isteri? Aiyo I mean korang punyer bf lah, cakap bahasa BM tak paham, BI lagi lah korang tak faham kan. Stress aku..!

Well, bulan ni aku asyik kena marah kat Alif tapi yang peliknya dier bukan bf saya pun. Kalau nak cakap kawan aku marah tak pernah jugak sebab aku yang biasa marah kawan hahax. Alif pernah tegur saya sebelum ni tapi tak pernah plak marah saya macam bulan ni. Korang nak dengaq cite tak? Ok bagi yang buta huruf macam Abang Numan tu nanti aku record dan hantar bagi hang k, jangan risau hahax.

Aku rasa somwehere around 15th, yeah 15hb oktober 2 hari sebelum besday aku. So housemate yang desperate macam desperate housewife tu ajak lah aku gi clubbing kat BB tu, treat untuk birthday aku katanya. Mula2 aku memang kata xnak (lah aku kan suci dan alim bukan macam abang Numan) tapi kena paksa jugak so pergi jewlah. Masa tu aku dah macam xder harapan sangat kat Alif sebab entah macam dah letih menunggu dan frust so at least pergi sana nak pancing lah kot2 dapat bf (pandainya aku). Padahal pergi sana dok diam jew ngan housemate aku tu macam parasit dan lik umah dalam kul 4am.

Aku memang jarang tido 4am kecuali ada event tu biasalah kan tapi masa tu aku tetap akan bangun kul 6am, kira automatic lah hehe. Tapi kali ni aku tertidur sampai 11am! WTF! So Alif msg "good morning" dalam kul berapa entah aku pun reply lah 11am tu. Haaa there you go, dier dah start tanya soalan (sila rujuk kat bawah)

Alif: Eh baru bangun?

Saya: A'ah wak, baru bangun hehe

Alif: Awk biar betul, awk memang jarang bangun waktu macam ni? Awk tido kul berapa?

Saya: Heheh saya tido kul 4am wak. Lepak ngan abang Fakhrul

Alif: Lepak? Lepak kat maner?

Saya: Kat umah jew wak...

Alif: Hmmm ok saya dalam kelas ni nanti saya msg erk..take care

Korang bayangkan betapa pandainya aku tipu. Walaupun dier tak cinta tapi aku tak pernah tipu atau sembunyikan apa2 kat dier, memang dari dulu. Tapi kali ni aku dah pandai tipu dan takder perasan salah plak. Haaa korang nak tau apa aku buat lagi, kali ni aku pun xtau kenapa aku leh buat benda macam ni. Aku buka PR haaaa dna benda ni pun aku hide dari Alif. Tapi semuanya berubah pada hari isnin tepat pada besday aku...sukanya aku! Aku call Alif pagi tu (memang dah biasa aku call dier kalau rindu), masa tulah segala rahsia terbongkar!

Saya: Morning wak...heheh

Alif: Morning, minggu lepas awk pergi maner?

Saya: Xderlah wak, saya xgi mana2 pun (tipu lagi)

Alif: Awk, betul ni?

Saya: Hmm wak, jangan marah erk. Saya gi clubbing kat bb ngan housemate..

Alif: What! ............... (yang dot3 tu dier tengah marah) apa lagi yang awk buat?

Saya: hmmm wak...saya buka PR (dengan nada yang gementar)

Alif: Ya allah, awk blaja maner semua benda ni? Apa dah jadi kat awk ni? Awk ni kenapa? Awk delete benda tu sekrang jugak! Awk ingat PR tu baik sangat ker? Delete hari ni jugak!

Saya: Ok wak.... :(

Haaa korang cuba bayangkan thw whole day aku kena lecturer kat Alif sampai saya macam dah penuh otak saya. So apa lagi, lik umah terus delete PR tu dan inform dier terus, baru dier cool sikit. Tapi part yang dier paling marah adalah pasal clubbing memang aku entah walaupun just gi dudok jew dier tetap marah jugak. Aku pun xtau kenapa tiba2 dier marah tapi yang pastinya adalah aku memang takleh tipu dier. Bila dengar jew suara dier measti aku akan muntah segala, itu baru suara dier kalau face to face lagi lah sedangkan kena marah dalam hp pun leh buat aku macam nak pengsan apatah lagi face to face aku rasa aku akan masud wad ICU!

Tapi itulah, aku pun tak pasti kenapa tiba2 dier leh marah macam tu setahu saya tak pernah pun. Lagi satu dier tegur, dier cakap saya banyak tanya yang bukan2 kat dier hahaha. Padahal soalan tu dier dah jawab banyak kali tapi aku tetap gigih nak tanya lagi, haaa apa lagi kalau bukan tutup telinga hehehe

Wait for part 2 hokey sebab yang ni dah panjang nanti abang Numan stress nak baca sebab dier lemah semangat dan lemah syawat hahahahaha I like..!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How I wish...!

How I wish I could have someone in my life right now for me to lay my head on his shoulder and let go all my pain by crying out loud! No matter how strong I am in my life yet I'm still weak in most area which need to workout to repair it. I don't know what kind of waiting game is this but I know my waiting will be worth one day.

I'm tired of this game and sometime I'm not even know what am I doing! I'm just walking on a road which I don't know where it'll leads me to but I kept walking. Why there's no one to hold my hand and leads me the way? Is that so hard to give me love? Is really hard to me to decide about Alif since he didn't give me a right answer at this moment as he always tell me he's not ready yet for relationship.

I'm too tired of thinking about this, I deciding to walk alone for the rest of my life. I merely can't trust anyone anymore, all is just play with my feelings. I don't know where's the mistake but I 'd trying my level best to keep it up. I'm human as well who have the same feelings like others, why can't they understand me? That's right, as else we can aspect from human but is that really hard to be honest with me?

sometime I just sit and think why can't human live without sex? Is sex are that important in love? Yes, sex is important in love in one way to show the love between two but that can't the first one in our life. I'm nor saying that I'm perfect, I agree that I'm not perfect like other but I'm perfect in my own way. Whenever I saw a guy which is more better than me, I always tell myself "It's ok Patrick, he deserve a better one"!!! I'm not putting or letting myself down but I know where I'm standing at, I always force myself to remind where am I standing at.

No one in this world that will understand that all I wanted is just a hug, just a hug which will make me feel calm down. A ear to hear what's in my heart, a hand to hold my hand and leads me the way, a chest to lay my head, a arm for hug me to make me feel I'm safe in your arm. Is that that hard to give me the above request?

I don't know whether there's someone who born for me or not but I believe even if there's no one, I'll walk alone myself through out the my life journey, I've to prepare myself for it. I believe in god that one day he'll show me that person! Believe or not, whenever I saw a guy which I like I feel like want to approach him but I don't know, I feel like something is blocking me to do such. Anyway, I can walk alone and I designed for it to face all the pain in my life. I know is not easy but I can, I trust myself...!

Monday, October 10, 2011

My special birthday present...!

Hey everyone, hope you all doing well. My october month really started with rushing! Damn, I hate that. I was really busy with my room decoration with Alif, buying stuff for room. Rushing for class and ect.

The most rushing part was that I was rushing to my foster sister wedding at Sabah, it was a long story. Actually, I was planned with my friend to attend her wedding but ended up with he cannot make it, so I've to cancel to attend the wedding too. At last, I was get fired by my sister and her husband with AK 47 so apparently, I attended the wedding at last. Hahax which was really fun for me even it is a short trip but happy enough to see my sister get married. Was fly to Sabah on friday night 8pm MAS flight at KLIA and back to KL on saturday evening Air Asia flight 3.45pm which was delayed for almost more than 1 hours! GOD...!!! Hope Air asia really know how to update their notification, is like shit!

Ok, let get to the point. For my coming birthday which is on 17th October next week monday, I want to make a bit different this time. If there's anyone which is my beloved follower and my silent reader wanted to meet me, is my pleasure. I'm willing to meet you guys on:

Saturday : from 9am to 2pm, 8pm to 10pm.
Sunday : from 9am to 12pm

Those who wanted to meet, I've problem with it. I'll be really happy if there is any and your wishes is more than enough as present for my birthday :) Therefore, kindly drop an email to this add to fix the date, time and place. Once everything is set, we'll take it from there, cheers guys :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New lights....

Went to buy some lights for me room after class at kuchai lama area! Well, not much of choice but still happy with what I've bought. Let's have a look on it ....

Nice one right?

So, what you thinks of it? For me, is more than enough living for a peaceful nights thought but feel like something is missing. Finally I got the answer after think for some moment, there's no one share this scenery with me.