Hey gays opps guys hahax, Alif gave me a birthday card at the same day when he gave me big boy. A card indeed full of meaning, even there's don't have a single words of love but I can feel it in my heart that he already started to love because I feel it from the way he talk and from the way he look at me.
Anyway, since the I was put everything on the previous blog about events so nothing much to talk now but he'd warned me to only open after I reach Pahang. Well, you know me right so I was trying to open the cover under the table while eating pizza and he can spot all of my movement, damn! Where did he learn that from...? At last, Ionly managed to open and read it in the bas when I back to Pahang and I was smiling all the way back from KL hahax, it was so lovely.
Let's have a look at it....!
ps: Kindly email me at
cheah_cw@hotmail.com to get the password after click the adds yeah. Korang leh tak jangan kedekut sangat...by clicking the adds kan...harta korang takkan hilang tau hahaha....
hi..tq for following me..ak br bace sebahagian blog ko..sweet n best..hehe..btw,smoga epi slalu dgn org t'syg..coz u hve a/thing u want..dun waste it..:)
Warkah: Thanks for reading. Don't worry, I tought myself how to appreciate things in my life since I small :)
nak paswed dikkkkkkkkk~~~~~
wahhhhh...adik2 sgt kat itu...
har har har...
hapy always pat
Daus: email saya bang daus
Adam: bweeekkkk heheh thanks bang dam :)
congratulations!!! :) i'm happy that u finally feel the happiness that u truly deserve... anyway, best of luck in life :)
wah..bnyk tul abg2 ko..hahaha..jeles2..nk gak abg2..hee
Who Am I: Thanks buddy
Warkah: hahah sebab aku seorang adik yang baik hehehe...carilah ada jew abang2 kat tepi jalan....hahaha
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