Hey everyone, I don't know how to describe my feelings right now since yesterday but what I can tell now is I'm extremely happy. Yes, I'm extremely happy! Want to know why? After so long, almost 1 years waiting for Alif is really worth at the end, worth to wait for such a long period :)
Yesterday, as we'd planned earlier to watch Johny English Reborn even it's a bit old movie but worth to watch to release tension. Even thought the movie is at 4pm but I already at KLCC since I wanted to print some of the picture of me and Alif for frame it, once done when to Kinokuniya to get some book. Yes of course I bought some book for RM120++ and reading "The Innocent Man" by John Grisham while waiting for Alif, finally I finish reading the book.
Once Alif reached we straight went to bought some drinks and popcorn, by that time I saw him carrying something inside and I started to ask him:
Me: Wak, aper tu wak?
Alif: Barang saya...
Me: Barang awk? Aper tu wak?
Alif: Dah orang kata barang saya....!
I stop asking since after he said such and not to ask more. It's time to watch movie but I felt like wanted to pee, what else other than go to toilet right. Once after I came back and sat down, all of sudden Alif handed over something to me and I was so shock...! Guess what? It's a teddy bear for my late birthday gift, OMG!!! Everyone is the theatre watching me with the teddy bear hahax, I just didn't aspect it from him at all. I was like flying on the sky, just imagine you get something from someone you love the most hahahaha I felt like I'm going crazy. I was hugged the bear from the start of the movie till the end, to be honest I didn't watch the movie at all but looking at the bear and Alif hahaha.
Right after the movie we went to Pizza, oh my guchie! I was carrying the bear all along from KLCC to my room Alif but KL people are really WTF man like they never saw a man walking with teddy bear hahax even I was a bit shy hehe. Nevermind, who care right!
After we reach home, we took shower, talk to abang Fakhrul and went to sleep. Believe me or not, that was the night which make me feel like I'm the happiest person in the world man. That was the night he make so much of joke with big boy and me. Oh yeah, the bear was given a name by me "Big Boy" hahax, lovely right! All of sudden I was get stunned, totally stunned!
Alif: Ini anak kita lepas kita kahwin satu tahun..
Me: totally blurr...! But I was feel like jumping down from 14th floor of my apartment, that much of happy
Hahaha I've no words to describe and talk that time but yet enjoying his joke the whole night by holding his hand and sleeping on his chest. A lovely day and the happiest day ever in my life which I'll never ever will delete from my memory...
Now, let's have a look on some of the picture with Big boy together with his Papa and Mama hahax...
ps: Kindly email me at cheah_cw@hotmail.com to get the password after click the adds yeah. Korang leh tak jangan kedekut sangat...by clicking the adds kan...harta korang takkan hilang tau hahaha....
Im happy for you dear...*hugs*
Itam: Thank you so much *hugs*
ape pass tuh dik? huhuhuh
mcm kenal itu papa...
sakat patrick the star fish...
Daus: Bagi ler email...aiyo
Adam: hahaha sakat lah...memang bang dam jahat pun :p
he is so *shlurps* hahahahahahahak
hehe... cute...
Liong: Hahax thanks :)
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